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Of the 10 disCONNECT LDN artists, only four were based in the UK and able to phyically be present for their take-over installation of the period building; those include Aida Wilde, David Bray, Alex Fakso and Mr. Cenz. Where as the remaining six had to innovate a process that was able to create an immersive experience despite their absence in London, realised through extensive communication with Schoeni Projects, HKwalls (both located and working remotely from Hong Kong) and other collaborators, in paricular the project manager, Tom Page, who was on site in London.


Once disCONNECT LDN  closed, the exhibition travelled to Hong Kong and invited four local artists to continue the conversation about art during a pandemic to foster cross-cultural exchanges. Go Hung, Jaffa Lam, Kacey Wong and Wong Ting Fung created site-specific artworks including video installation, mural painting, mixed-media installation and sculptures for disCONNECT HK responding to the pandemic and disCONNECT LDN. The 14 disCONNECT artists came from genres understanding and appreciating the power of art that at its core is rooted in accessible art – art for all.