Open Doors SPXR Takeover: A collaboration between Schoeni Projects and Open Doors Gallery in the metaverse

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Open Doors Gallery is pleased to take over a metaverse space, SPXR, and present a virtual exhibition featuring new works by Open Doors represented artists. SPXR is a virtual project space created by Schoeni Projects for curatorial experimentation that explores and celebrates a divergent and immersive presentation of art in all forms. This metaverse exhibition focuses on unique hand-made collage work, popular limited edition prints by emerging contemporary photographic artists, as well as winners’ artworks from the latest OD Photo Prize, an annual open call for emerging or early career lens-based artists working within the first ten years of their creative practice.


Open Doors Gallery is a global platform for emerging contemporary photographic artists. Representing and developing the careers of several award-winning artists, each with their own unique approach to the medium. From mixed media and sculptural artworks to darkroom creations and documentary work. Open Doors believes the limitless possibilities of the photographic medium make it the perfect prism through which to explore the world and build a collection.



Joe Webb, Shane Wheatcroft, Denisse Ariana Pérez, Maria Lax, K Young, Kensuke Koike, Ian Howorth, Jennifer Latour, Javier Hirschfeld Moreno, Sayako Sugawara, Jeremy Snell